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Richard Stuart (20.4-kyu)

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Game Details

DateBlackWhiteBoard sizeHandicapResult
2018-03-12Christopher LindopRichard Stuart9 x 92, 13.5 komiW+20.5
2018-01-15Richard StuartHailiang Du13 x 13-94.5 komiW+R
2017-11-15Richard StuartPhilipp Czerner13 x 13-24.5 komiW+R
2017-11-15Philipp CzernerRichard Stuart9 x 99.5 komiB+R
2017-11-08Thomas SmallRichard Stuart9 x 92, 7.5 komiW+34.5
2017-10-23Richard StuartGrace Jackson19 x 19-29.5 komiW+R
2017-06-19Richard StuartMatthew (Mengchu Li)9 x 93, 1.5 komiW+R
2017-06-19Tom SuttonRichard Stuart9 x 911.5 komiB+R
2017-06-14Scott HicklinRichard Stuart9 x 99.5 komiB+R

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