
Where and When?

The best first step to playing Go in Durham is to subscribe to our mailing list, which will confirm meeting times and places and let you know of any changes. Whether at the University or not, you can sign up to the mailing list.

There are two mailing lists - one for term time, one for the University vacations. Our timetable sometimes varies with the university terms: please check the term dates. To be certain that any particular session is meeting, drop us an email.

There will be an email sent to the mailing list before each session; normally the evening before. During term time you can then just turn up (you don't need to let us know you're coming). During the vacations we only meet if there are people around for a particular session (as the club tends to be smaller, and people often disappear on holiday) - for this reason, you need to reply to emails on the Vacations mailing list to say if you're coming. If no one replies then we don't meet.

Players of all standards and complete beginners are welcome at any of our sessions.

By the way, this is Durham UK. You might be looking for the Go Club in Durham, North Carolina.



The Elm Tree, Crossgate (T) - Mondays (7-9pm), Thursdays (7-9pm, vacation)

Elvet Riverside, room ER143 (E) - Thursdays, Easter term

How to find us

In The Elm Tree, Crossgate:

The Elm Tree is a fairly small pub, but has several sections - we're normally in the bit round to the left of the bar, but just walk round until you find us!

In Elvet Riverside, room ER143:

ER143 is in the Elvet Riverside building. Elvet Riverside consists of two buildings (Elvet Riverside 1 and Elvet Riverside 2) next to each other, just downhill from Dunelm House (the DSU building). Our room is in Elvet Riverside 1. After entering this building, turn right through the double doors and our room is on the right


Our online sessions take place using our Discord server and OGS group - it's quick and easy to register and get yourself set up.

Term dates

Our timetable occasionally varies with the university terms: please check the term dates. To be certain that any particular session is meeting, drop us an email to check.

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For more information about the club, please email the Exec.

For questions, comments and suggestions on this site, please email the webmaster.