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William Cleeve (15-kyu)

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Game Details

DateBlackWhiteBoard sizeHandicapResult
2023-06-08William CleeveCraig Maclean19 x 196.5 komiW+26.5
2023-06-08Craig MacleanWilliam Cleeve19 x 190.5 komiB+69.5
2023-06-05Jeremi GrabasWilliam Cleeve19 x 19-59.5 komiB+0.5
2023-06-05William CleeveDan Milne19 x 199, -9.5 komiW+R
2023-06-01William CleeveSam Bithell13 x 137, -4.5 komiB+12.5
2023-06-01William CleeveAndrew Ambrose-Thurman13 x 134, -4.5 komiB+18.5
2023-06-01Jess GreenWilliam Cleeve9 x 93, 3.5 komiW+0.5
2023-06-01Jess GreenWilliam Cleeve9 x 94, 13.5 komiW+13.5
2023-06-01Maya EaglesWilliam Cleeve9 x 94, 11.5 komiW+11.5
2023-06-01Maya EaglesWilliam Cleeve9 x 94, 11.5 komiW+36.5
2023-05-29William CleeveDan Milne19 x 199, -19.5 komiW+34.5
2023-05-29William CleeveAndrew Ambrose-Thurman19 x 199, 0.5 komiW+63.5
2023-05-29Puttiwat KongkaewWilliam Cleeve9 x 9-27.5 komiW+R
2023-05-26Jonathan CherrettWilliam Cleeve9 x 94, 13.5 komiW+2.5
2023-05-26Jonathan CherrettWilliam Cleeve9 x 94, 13.5 komiW+22.5
2023-05-26William CleeveAndrew Ambrose-Thurman13 x 134, -4.5 komiW+R
2023-05-26William CleeveCraig Maclean19 x 1910.5 komiW+71.5
2023-05-22William CleeveCraig Maclean19 x 1910.5 komiB+79.5
2023-05-22Craig MacleanWilliam Cleeve19 x 190.5 komiB+R
2023-05-15William CleeveAndrew Ambrose-Thurman9 x 9-19.5 komiB+41.5

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