Ranking Ladder

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Heehean Ryu (27-kyu)

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Game Details

DateBlackWhiteBoard sizeHandicapResult
2024-02-01Jerry WongHeehean Ryu13 x 135.5 komiW+56.5
2024-02-01Jerry WongHeehean Ryu13 x 1310.5 komiW+22.5
2024-02-01Heehean RyuJerry Wong13 x 130.5 komiW+15.5
2024-02-01Heehean RyuJerry Wong13 x 136.5 komiW+33.5
2023-11-16Jerry WongHeehean Ryu13 x 135.5 komiW+3.5
2023-11-16Heehean RyuWylan Men9 x 90.5 komiB+7.5
2023-11-16Wylan MenHeehean Ryu9 x 96.5 komiB+24.5
2023-11-09Heehean RyuJeremi Grabas13 x 134, -44.5 komiW+42.5
2023-11-09Heehean RyuJeremi Grabas9 x 94, 2.5 komiW+36.5
2023-11-09Heehean RyuCraig Maclean13 x 134, -54.5 komiB+20.5
2023-11-09Jerry WongHeehean Ryu13 x 136.5 komiW+68.5

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