Some Go Club meetings take place online. This is in two parts:
The Go Club has a Discord server, both for online meetings and so people can keep in touch between sessions when they're not in the pub playing Go together! It's also handy for asking questions about things.
You'll need to register with Discord before you start.
Once you're registered, click here to connect to the Go Club server.
This will run in your web browser, but if you'd like a more advanced interface you can download the app (for Windows, Linux, MacOS, Android, or iPhone) then use the same link as above to connect to the server.
Discord is largely active on club nights in the 'General Chat' voice channel; the rest of the time it's much quieter. If you're wanting a game on a club night, try joining the voice channel.
The rest of the time, people might be online but they might not actually be at their computers - they might be asleep, or in the pub, or busy doing something else. Don't just leave because it's quiet for a while! People are likely to come back later, so say hello in the #go text channel and hang around - leave the client running while you do something else, and see what happens.
Make sure you say something when you go onto the channel (if you want a game or want to talk) - someone else might be around, but they probably won't notice that you've arrived if you don't say anything, and they'll not talk to you if they don't know you're there!
The Go Club has a group on OGS to let people play each other.
You'll need to register with OGS before you start.
Once you're registered, go to the Durham Go Club group. To join, press the blue Join Group button.
Games are usually arranged using our Discord server, where you can also chat to your opponent and other club members while you're playing. It's also a good place to ask for help with using OGS and setting up games.
There are some general instructions for how to use OGS to help you get started.
For more information about the club, please email the Exec.
For questions, comments and suggestions on this site, please email the webmaster.